A Blessed Curse

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. For the first hundred-fifty years as a spirit, Morgan tried any sort of method or spell to physically interact with the world if only to stop the incessant noises that haunted her. The clock in Sara’s dining room echoed throughout the cold house, and a faucet’s handle was […]

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The Devil’s Card Deck

“Think of heaven and hell as more of a PR divide. They just have the better marketers.” The demon Jaalbzznk led Samantha from New Mexico down a spiral staircase with razor blades for hand rails and stone steps blacker than midnight. “We both provide the same service,” Jaalbzznk hissed with a fork tongue – he […]

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The Puppet Master

The biggest mistake of my life was heckling a puppet show. And it wasn’t even a particularly good heckle. It was one of the early Punch and Judy shows in Italy with the Medici family still running the place. Punch was being the usual amount of abusive to Judy, and the fine art of motor […]

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Little Witches

Estelle had long ago given up magic for the conveniences of technology. Scares lined her arms from struggling to get Screeching Scarabs into the right caldron and from dealing with self-righteous cats refusing to be familiars. And how many promised first born sons did she have to trek across the country to whisk away after […]

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Shut it down

“Where they fucked up, see, was thinking they’re privileged or something.” McDevitt took another hit on her ever disappearing joint. “They always thought First Contact – with capital letters, mind you – would be beamed right to them.” “Like straight to their computers or something?” “Beamed straight up their asses for all I know. They […]

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The Ezekiel Colonies

None of the cults got it right in the end. The Lizard people fanatics dropped their protest signs when the Lizard people never shed their human skin. People wearing crystals for secret energy realized dinosaurs weren’t at the Earth’s core. The Illuminati turned out to just be a bunch of middle-aged white dudes taking time […]

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August 4th, 2326

“Today is August 4, 2326,” a voice said waking you up, “in the city of Helsinki.” It repeated the date four times as you managed to open your eyes for the first time in… wait, in how long? “Today is the 322nd birthday of Dr. Wiggen. Today is the 412th anniversary of RB laboratory opening. […]

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The Cockroach Queen

“Lost? I’m sincerely hoping your definition of that word differs from my own.” “I had the vile tucked away in my coat, I swear I did!” Almeida’s lips trembled between stammers. “Just like you wanted, I purchased the Lawa from Elyas’s shop and paid the extra coin to keep it all mum. Then I put […]

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The Beast and Its Companion

Light was a fable that Micau heard about from snakes that looked like gnarled trees and from birds that rarely sang. The child listened to the sounds of these creatures stirring from above. Some hisses would slither into words – eyes, dark and damp – some calls into songs that made Micau walk a little […]

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Red Water

Kali could’ve spotted Red Shui’s tower from miles away a few years ago. Its skyscraper height grooved on both sides like a vertical waves flowed into the Martian dirt – it seemed to be growing out of the ground. But with the dust storm now in its third year, Kali couldn’t make out anything but […]

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